The Last Jedi is almost upon us! While you wait listen to Teresa Delgado, Sarah Woloski, and Tricia Barr review the...
What’s going on in the world of Fangirls Going Rogue?
It’s all right here – show notes, news, other appearances, and whatever else we think you and all our listeners might want to know about.

SALE: Give the Gift of Support To The Podcasts You Love
As the holiday shopping season opens, consider giving the gift of support to a podcast you love. There are many...

Episode 52: VANESSA MARSHALL and a Cascade of Star Wars News
What hasn’t happened in the past couple of weeks? Today marks the winter mid-season finale of Star Wars Rebels. Vanessa...

Priority Transmission #8: GeekGirlCon Interview Spectacular
The fun continues after the Fangirls Going Rogue 50th episode recorded live at GeekGirlCon. In this Priority Transmission, Teresa Delgado...

Tricia Barr Joins Beltway Banthas To Talk Leia
Beltway Banthas podcast covers the intersection of politics and Star Wars storytelling. Tricia Barr joined Swara Salih and John Liang...

Episode 51: TIYA SIRCAR and Trailer Reactions
Teresa Delgado guides her fellow co-hosts Tricia Barr and Sarah Woloski in a rip-roaring discussion about the Star Wars: The...

Hyperspace Theories Reacts To The Last Jedi Trailer
The theatrical trailer for The Last Jedi is here! The evening after its premiere, Tricia Barr, B.J. Priester, and Kay...

Episode 50: Live at GeekGirlCon
We’ve reached Episode 50 of Fangirls Going Rogue! Making the occasion even more special, Tricia Barr, Sarah Woloski, and Teresa...

Looking for Leia Documentary at GeekGirlCon
Looking for Leia, a documentary exploring the Star Wars phenomenon from the perspective of women, will be sharing new footage...

Star Wars Rebels Arrives October 16
Here’s today’s beautiful new key art for Star Wars Rebels Season 4. Isn’t it beautiful? Last week, Lucasfilm revealed more details about...

Meet Fangirls Going Rogue at GeekGirlCon
Teresa Delgado, Sarah Woloski and Tricia Barr will be celebrating fans and their favorite franchises at GeekGirlCon this coming weekend. It...

Hyperspace Theories on The Last Jedi EW Reveals
With The Last Jedi now only a few months away, Lucasfilm is sharing more hints and insights into what fans...
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