Force Friday has descended upon us and with it all the glorious new Star Wars: The Last Jedi merchandise, including...
What’s going on in the world of Fangirls Going Rogue?
It’s all right here – show notes, news, other appearances, and whatever else we think you and all our listeners might want to know about.

#49: Easter Eggs and Bucket Lists
Porg noises! Kenobi! Freemaker Adventures! Forces of Destiny! Ron Howard’s Twitter feed! Kai Charles from Black Girl Nerds joins Sarah...

Episode #48: Fangirls Going Porg: Resistance is Futile
What hasn’t happened since our last episode? The directors of the Han Solo movie were replaced by Ron Howard, Sarah...

The Last Jedi Behind The Scenes Sizzle Reel From D23 Expo
Released at D23 Expo, this behind the scenes sizzle reel provides hints and clues to Star Wars: The Last Jedi....

Priority Transmission #6: Forces of Destiny Writer Jennifer Muro
Teresa Delgado and Sarah Woloski discuss the first wave of shorts in the Star Wars Forces of Destiny series with writer...

Episode #47: Lucasfilm Story Group’s Carrie Beck
Carrie Beck, Lucasfilm’s Vice President of Animation Development and Story Group member, joins the show to talk about her love of animation,...

Love For Wonder Woman On Fangirl Chat
If you listen to our intro music for Fangirl Chat by Rob Dehlinger you will discover where our non-Star Wars...

Episode #46: Getting Animated About Star Wars’ Future
This month the Fangirls Going Rogue conversation crosses into a wide-ranging discussion of current movies and trends, from Guardians of...

Priority Transmission #5: LEGO Freemaker Adventures Bob Roth and Bill Motz
To celebrate May the Fourth we have a special interview with Bob Roth and Bill Motz of The Freemaker Adventures!...

Episode #45: Star Wars Celebration Stories
On the heels of Celebration Orlando 2017 Teresa Delgado, Sarah Woloski and Tricia Barr talk about our favorite moments from...

#CarrieOn LIVE from Celebration Orlando Podcast Stage
Tricia Barr, Teresa Delgado and Sarah Woloski take the show LIVE from the Podcast Stage at Celebration Orlando. Sandra Choute...

Fangirls go Skywalking Through Star Wars Celebration Orlando
Tricia Barr and Sandra Choute (our social media manager) joined Richard and Sarah Woloski on Skywalking Through Neverland for a...
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