On our last episode of Fangirls Going Rogue, which only released a couple of days ago, we promised a whole...
What’s going on in the world of Fangirls Going Rogue?
It’s all right here – show notes, news, other appearances, and whatever else we think you and all our listeners might want to know about.

Fangirls Going Rogue Returns To Celebration Podcast Stage!
Award-winning Fangirls Going Rogue returns to the Celebration Podcast Stage for the third time. Join hosts Teresa Delgado, Sarah Woloski,...

Episode #43: Creators Spectacular with Claudia Gray, Joe Corroney and Brian Miller
In a special episode Fangirls Going Rogue talk to three highly respected content creators working on the Star Wars franchise:...

Priority Transmission #4: Scavenger’s Hoard
One of the best things about Star Wars is making new friends and finding new voices in fandom. Rachael and...

Vote For Fangirls Going Rogue In 2017 Star Wars Podcast Awards!
Thank you to everyone who helped move Fangirls Going Rogue into the finals in several categories in the Star Wars...

ROGUE ONE Giveaway and Vudu Viewing Party
Watch ROGUE ONE with the Fangirls and Vudu! Starting at 6:00pm (PT) on Friday 3/24/17, Vudu will be hosting a live...

Episode #42: Oscar-worthy Rebel Alliance
Han Solo is returning to the galaxy far, far away, and we’re getting ready to Celebrate Star Wars in Orlando...

You Talk We Listen Episode 1: Rogue One with Sandra Choute and Adjua Adama
As part of our mission to showcase different points of view on Star Wars, Fangirls Going Rogue has committed to...

Episode #41: Mandalorians, Lady Stormtroopers and The Last Jedi
There is tons of Star Wars news to talk about in the February 2017 episode of Fangirls Going Rogue. First...

Lightsabers vs. Wands! Teresa & Sarah on Skywalking Through Neverland
It is pretty well documented that Sarah and Teresa are HUGE Harry Potter fans. And Tricia has never even picked...

Hidden Figures and STEM Heros on Fangirl Chat
On the newest Fangirl Chat, Teresa Delgado and Tricia Barr are joined by Fangirls Going Rogue social media manager Sandra...

Teresa Joins The Ion Cannon Podcast For Trials Of The Darksaber Review
I took some time to join the guys over at the Ion Cannon Podcast to talk all things Sabine. This in...
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