On March 2nd, 2018 Fangirls Going Rogue had the chance to join in on a roundtable discussion with Star Wars...
Find all the podcast episodes of Fangirls Going Rogue right here starting with the most recent.
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Episode 55: SOLO – The Love Ship
The Solo: A Star Wars Story teaser is finally here! Listener reactions lead a lively discussion about the trailer, plus...

Episode 54: Holdo Rules The Galaxy
It’s time to take a closer look at The Last Jedi, its storytelling, and its impacts on fandom. Fangirls Going...

Priority Transmission #9: THE LAST JEDI Reaction Show
*SPOILERS BEWARE* So you’ve watched The Last Jedi and need to decompress. Special guest Richard Woloski (Skywalking Through Neverland) joins...

Episode 53: Lead Up to THE LAST JEDI
The Last Jedi is almost upon us! While you wait listen to Teresa Delgado, Sarah Woloski, and Tricia Barr review the...

Episode 52: VANESSA MARSHALL and a Cascade of Star Wars News
What hasn’t happened in the past couple of weeks? Today marks the winter mid-season finale of Star Wars Rebels. Vanessa...

Priority Transmission #8: GeekGirlCon Interview Spectacular
The fun continues after the Fangirls Going Rogue 50th episode recorded live at GeekGirlCon. In this Priority Transmission, Teresa Delgado...

Episode 51: TIYA SIRCAR and Trailer Reactions
Teresa Delgado guides her fellow co-hosts Tricia Barr and Sarah Woloski in a rip-roaring discussion about the Star Wars: The...

Episode 50: Live at GeekGirlCon
We’ve reached Episode 50 of Fangirls Going Rogue! Making the occasion even more special, Tricia Barr, Sarah Woloski, and Teresa...

Priority Transmission #7: Force Friday Freemakers
Force Friday has descended upon us and with it all the glorious new Star Wars: The Last Jedi merchandise, including...

#49: Easter Eggs and Bucket Lists
Porg noises! Kenobi! Freemaker Adventures! Forces of Destiny! Ron Howard’s Twitter feed! Kai Charles from Black Girl Nerds joins Sarah...

Episode #48: Fangirls Going Porg: Resistance is Futile
What hasn’t happened since our last episode? The directors of the Han Solo movie were replaced by Ron Howard, Sarah...
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