D23 Expo brought so much news for Star Wars and Disney fans. Needless to say, we were excited to talk...
Find all the podcast episodes of Fangirls Going Rogue right here starting with the most recent.
Click on an episode for more information and to listen to it in your browser.

Episode 19.9: Ashley Eckstein and The Power of Resilience
This month’s episode focuses on the theme of resilience. How do resilient characters inspire us and is there such thing...

Episode 19.8 Thunderous Applause at SDCC
Co-hosts Tricia Barr and Sarah Woloski hit San Diego Comic-Con and bring the latest news from the show floor. We...

Episode 19.7 Galaxy’s Edge Is Here!
Galaxy’s Edge has opened! Hear highlights, tips and tricks from the Fangirls Going Rogue team. Teresa Delgado gives insight into...

Episode 19.6 Skywalkers Rise in Vanity Fair
Vanity Fair delivers on another May cover story about the sequel trilogy. This time with Lev Grossman writing an intriguing...

Star Wars Resistance First Impressions
After the Star Wars Resistance panel, Tricia Barr and Sandra Choute sat down to discuss their first impressions of Season...

Episode 19.5 Celebration Chicago Afterglow
Celebration Chicago is over but not forgotten. Teresa Delgado, Sarah Woloski, and Tricia Barr share favorite memories from the convention....

Episode 19.4 LIVE From Celebration Chicago!
The Fangirls Going Rogue took the Podcast Stage at Celebration Chicago like Ewoks capturing the Imperial bunker. There is nothing...

Episode 19.3: #FangirlFlail Over Captain Marvel
Between Galaxy’s Edge news and Captain Marvel, the Fangirls Going Rogue Team had a lot to talk about this past...

Episode 19.2: Party With Star Wars Royalty
Fangirls Going Rogue welcomes Cat Taber, Padmé Amidala in The Clone Wars. She shares the experience of narrating the new...

Priority Transmission #12: Suzie McGrath from Star Wars Resistance
Suzie McGrath, voice of Tam Ryvora in Star Wars Resistance, joins Fangirls Going Rogue. We talk about everything from her earliest...

Episode 19.1: When 900 Years Old…
Fangirls Going Rogue welcomes Amy Ratcliffe, author of Star Wars: Women of the Galaxy. She shares the experience of achieving...
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