23.09.16September 23, 2016000Priority Transmission #2: David Collinsby Rogue Fangirlin News, Show Notes# animation, Celebration, Celebration Anaheim, Celebration Europe, Disney, Disney World, Disneyland, Frozen, John Williams, music, podcast, Priority Transmission, Star Wars, Star Wars Oxygen, Tangled
12.04.15February 2, 2016000Fangirls Going Rogue Episode 18 (April 2015)by Rogue Fangirlin Show Notes# Amy Ratcliffe, Ashley Eckstein, Celebration Anaheim, Her Universe, Star Wars
13.03.15February 2, 2016000Fangirls Going Rogue Episode 17 (March 2015)by Rogue Fangirlin Show Notes# Amy Ratcliffe, Celebration Anaheim, Jennifer Landa, Star Wars
13.02.15November 19, 2022000Fangirls Going Rogue Episode 16 (February 2015)by Rogue Fangirlin Show Notes# Amy Ratcliffe, Celebration Anaheim, Jenna Busch, Star Wars
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