Fangirls Going Rogue welcomes Cat Taber, Padmé Amidala in The Clone Wars. She shares the experience of narrating the new...
What’s going on in the world of Fangirls Going Rogue?
It’s all right here – show notes, news, other appearances, and whatever else we think you and all our listeners might want to know about.

Priority Transmission #12: Suzie McGrath from Star Wars Resistance
Suzie McGrath, voice of Tam Ryvora in Star Wars Resistance, joins Fangirls Going Rogue. We talk about everything from her earliest...

Episode 19.1: When 900 Years Old…
Fangirls Going Rogue welcomes Amy Ratcliffe, author of Star Wars: Women of the Galaxy. She shares the experience of achieving...

Episode 65: The Force of Mental Health
This week Kai Charles joins Teresa Delgado, Sarah Woloski, and Tricia Barr to talk about the ways fandom can affect...

Episode 64: Star Wars Fireside Chat
What a better way to kick off the show than to talk about Daniel Logan – Boba Fett himself! –...

Episode 63: Dream Big Star Wars
Disney’s new streaming service has been given a name: Disney+. Fangirls Going Rogue dives into what we know will be...

Sandra Choute Visits Spark of Hope Podcast
Fangirl Going Rogue’s Social Media Manager Sandra Choute joined Megan Cullinan on her podcast Spark of Hope. We first met...

Episode 62: Turn On Your Televisions!
What about Star Wars isn’t in the news? Star Wars Resistance has finally premiered, plus we have a name for...

The Voices Behind Star Wars Resistance
On September 25th, Lucasfilm held a special event press day for their 3rd animated TV series, Star Wars Resistance. Staged...

Priority Transmission #11: Ashley Eckstein
Sarah and Teresa sit down with Ashley Eckstein, voice of Ahsoka Tano in Star Wars: The Clone Wars and Star...

Episode 61: Star Wars Resistance
We took a little summer vacation so that we could #life but we are back with all the news that...

Episode 60: Fangirl Slumber Party
In this month’s episode, our social media maven Sandra Choute joins Teresa Delgado, Sarah Woloski, and Tricia Barr for a...
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